Party Time!

Back in the US, whenever we throw a party, the preparation and the cleaning will take two days and the party will be a whole day itself.  In Manila, the preparation is done by the helpers and the clean up is also done by the helpers.  The temptation to share a great meal, have friends over, or just enjoy a simple dinner at home becomes  attainable.   Each weekend, there seems to be an endless supply of things to do.  A party somewhere to attend, a get together to celebrate a special occasion, and an excuse to eat tons of food and amazing deserts. 

Since I arrived, besides from looking at properties, I attended parties at different homes.  Mid-autumn festivals for the Chinese families, mid-autumn festival for 'foreigners', weekend family get together parties,  newbie happy hour invites, and welcome to Manila lunches and/or dinners.  Every weekend, I roll back to the hotel stuffed and spoiled by all kinds of party food, try to remember the names of people whom I have met, and search in my memory for where I have been...  Was it Green Hills? What is the name of that restaurant in Mikati? I thought  that person worked in the same company as me? 

It's common to receive two to four invitations for parties over a weekend for an special event.  And it is also conceivable that after a weekend of partying, a massage session is required to get ready for the weekdays.  I am going to try not to go that far, but Manila is definitely a town for those who enjoy entertaining and those who enjoy being entertained! 

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